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Coaches' Information

How to sign up to be a coach:   REGISTER HERE

The first step is to create a login using the link above.  If you are registering your child for a sport, you should set them up as a participant. Once a participant is set up, any available programs will be displayed with an option to register.  During this registration process you will have the option to volunteer as a coach (and other volunteer roles).

If you want to sign up later, you may access the volunteer registration process via the "My Account" link at the top of the page (after you log in). Directions can be found here.

Coaches Background Screening:

Teams cannot start practicing until head coach has been screened and has a badge.  After registration ends, the number of teams is determined and coaches are then placed on teams.  Coaches will be contacted and information submitted to the County for background screening.  Once the screening is complete, the coach is notified and should then pick up their coaching credential at the County Parks and Recreation Administration building located at 1206 Kessler Mill Road in Salem (Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm).

Concussion Policy and Training:

It is the policy of Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism to follow the National Federation of State High School Association’s guidelines for the management of concussions.


  1. No athlete should return to play or practice on the same day of a suspected concussion.

  2. The athlete’s guardian should be immediately notified of the suspected concussion by a coach so that the athlete can be immediately evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional.

  3. Any athlete who is suspected of a concussion must submit written medical clearance from an appropriate health-care professional prior to returning to practice or competition. Recreation Clubs must disallow players from participating until this document is produced.

  4. Each youth sport coach must take the Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports online course from the Center for Disease Control. This online course can be found at

Mandatory Reporting:

By Virginia law, as of 2012, all recreation club coaches, assistant coaches, volunteers, and Board members must report suspected cases of abuse as mandated reporters. While everyone should to be concerned about child abuse and neglect, as noted, certain professionals and other individuals are required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. These materials are designed to assist those persons who are mandated to report suspected child abuse and neglect. The following link will take you to the mandated reporting training:

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